There’s a range of mobility equipment available for those who are living with mobility issues. Mobility aids can vary depending on the individuals’ requirements, if mobility is mildly affected then a walking aid like a stick or a crutch may be enough to assist walking independently. If you’re living with a disability which makes it difficult to move without assistance, then equipment such as a slide sheet can help you turn in bed or transfer aid to help you move from the bed to the chair to the toilet.
Mobility aids are designed to help those who are older or living with a disability to maintain their independence, mobility aids may be of help to anyone who is living with Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, joint pain, muscle weakness or pain, mobility issues, balance issues and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Older adults tend to be at an increased risk of falling and may choose to use mobility aids, they can provide a number of benefits to users including independence, reduced pain and increased confidence and self-esteem. There’s a selection of mobility devices available to meet people’s need from canes and crutches to wheelchairs and stairlifts.
How can mobility aids improve older peoples’ quality of life?
Mobility aids can help to make a big difference to someone who is older and living with mobility issues, giving them the opportunity to remain as independent as possible. Walking aids can make for a safer home environment by helping to prevent trips and falls, a sturdy frame will help to keep balance when walking from room to room. There’s also a number of outdoor aids including wheelchairs, rollators and ramps, these can help when it comes to travelling from place to place, aiding mobility, wheelchair accessories like cushions or gloves can also make travelling more comfortable while you get around independently.
Being able to travel and get out and about will have a big impact on your physical abilities and your mental health, staying physically independent can help to improve your state of mind. There are many different aids for mobility available, that have been designed to suit different needs, if you’re looking for extra support when walking, rollators can help to reduce the risk of falling, they can also include storage to help you store items or a seat should you need to stop for a rest.
Rollators can offer you support whenever you may need it, if you’re out with others you can also flip down the footrests to turn it into a chair that you can use over short distances.
Why are mobility aids important?
Mobility aids are often seen negatively by older people and sometimes they may be reluctant to use a walking stick or other aids and worry about looking old or impaired by others. However, mobility aids should reflect positivity, they bring benefits to people’s lives, and can help those who are worried about their balance or about having a fall. A simple walking stick can provide confidence, a small walk will bring the added bonus of exercise and the effect on a person’s wellbeing from seeing people and getting fresh air is immeasurable.
Those who may get breathless when walking can benefit from a rollator with a seat, this will allow them to stop and rest, taking the fear away and permitting them to spend a day out with friends.
Mobility aids – what to consider
Mobility aids are designed to help people who experience problems moving around and to help them enjoy greater freedom and independence. When it comes to deciding on the right mobility aid for you, it’s important that you choose a quality mobility aid supplier and that you take an in-depth look at each of the product’s specifications to make sure that you choose the right aid.